Table Of Contents
What Is AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)? Benefits Of AWS EKS AWS EKS Use Cases AWS EKS Pricing Tips And Strategies To Reduce AWS EKS Costs Optimizing AWS EKS Costs With CloudZero AWS EKS Pricing FAQs

Cloud computing demands efficient application deployment, management, and scaling. 

Amazon EKS offers a solid solution, simplifying cloud computing management for organizations. At its core, AWS EKS harnesses the power of Kubernetes to automate tasks within AWS’s secure cloud infrastructure. It supports smooth and reliable application performance, which is crucial for organizations scaling their operations.

This guide details AWS EKS pricing and offers practical tips on reducing costs. 

But first, what exactly is AWS EKS?

What Is AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)?

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed container service that helps run and scale Kubernetes applications in the cloud or on-premises. EKS automates key tasks such as patch management, node provisioning, and updates. This automation simplifies the Kubernetes setup process, making it more accessible and less resource-intensive for developers and system administrators.

The major functions of AWS EKS include:

  • Cluster management. AWS EKS manages the Kubernetes control plane, which includes tasks like version upgrades, patch management, and ensuring high availability. This management extends to maintaining the cluster’s master nodes.
  • Automated scaling. EKS integrates with AWS Auto Scaling to adjust the number of nodes in response to application demands. This ensures efficient resource use.
  • Multi-AZ Resilience. AWS EKS automatically distributes resources and orchestrates across multiple Availability Zones. This enhances fault tolerance and ensures higher application availability.
  •  Load balancing. AWS EKS works with AWS ELB to distribute incoming traffic across healthy instances within a pool. This enhances application responsiveness and availability.
The Cloud Cost Playbook

Benefits Of AWS EKS

In addition to its primary benefit of helping organizations leverage Kubernetes’ advantages, other AWS EKS’s benefits include:

  • Simplified operations. AWS EKS manages underlying infrastructure, reduces teams’ operational overhead, and makes Kubernetes easier to deploy and manage.
  •  Enhanced security. Integrates with AWS security services like IAM, Amazon VPC, and AWS Key Management Service, providing robust security controls and compliance capabilities to meet rigorous enterprise requirements.
  • Operational flexibility. Supports hybrid cloud environments, allowing organizations to operate Kubernetes in the cloud or on-premises with AWS Outposts. This provides flexibility based on business needs and compliance requirements.
  • Cost optimization. AWS EKS only charges for the resources used, such as computing and storage, without any additional overhead for the management layer. This makes it a cost-effective solution for running Kubernetes at scale.
  • Developer productivity. AWS EKS simplifies cluster management and operations. This allows developers to focus more on building and deploying applications rather than managing the underlying infrastructure.
  • Integration with AWS services. AWS EKS integrates with other AWS services, such as AWS Fargate. This provides a cohesive and robust environment for deploying, managing, and scaling modern applications.

AWS EKS Use Cases

Here are several scenarios where AWS EKS excels in cloud computing.

  • Microservices architecture. AWS EKS excels in managing microservices due to its robust orchestration capabilities. Enterprises can deploy, manage, and scale each microservice independently, enhancing agility and reducing deployment risks. This is ideal for organizations transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservices, as EKS simplifies managing many services that need frequent updates and scalability.
  • Batch processing. For organizations that handle large-scale batch processing tasks, such as data processing, financial modeling, or scientific simulations, AWS EKS can scale resources dynamically. It efficiently manages the workload distribution, ensuring swift and cost-effective processing by scaling up resources during peak times and scaling down when not needed.
  • Machine Learning and AI. EKS supports machine learning workflows by offering a scalable environment to train and deploy models. With the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, AWS EKS automatically adjusts the number of pods needed for machine learning applications, optimizing resource use and operational costs.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). AWS EKS integrates with CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated application testing and deployment. This is crucial for DevOps teams aiming for high velocity in development, testing, and production cycles, ensuring faster time to market with reduced human error.
  • Hybrid cloud environments. Organizations looking to maintain a hybrid cloud environment benefit from AWS EKS’s ability to offer consistent Kubernetes experiences across on-premises and AWS cloud environments. This consistency is important for organizations that must adhere to data sovereignty laws or require low-latency operations near specific geographic locations.
  • Disaster recovery. Using AWS EKS for disaster recovery strategies allows organizations to replicate applications and data across different AWS regions easily. Kubernetes multi-region support in EKS ensures that applications remain available and durable, even if one AWS region faces an outage.

AWS EKS Pricing

Pricing for AWS EKS is based on the following:

Basic EKS cluster cost

AWS EKS charges $0.10 per hour for each EKS cluster created. This cost applies to the cluster itself, regardless of where it is deployed. 

EC2-based workloads

When using Amazon EC2 instances for worker nodes, you will pay for the EC2 instances. You will also pay for other AWS resources, like EBS volumes or Outposts capacity. You’re billed for what you use without minimum fees or upfront commitments.

Extended support for Kubernetes versions

EKS has special extended support for Kubernetes versions. It allows clusters to run on a specific Kubernetes version for up to 26 months. This extended support costs $0.60 per hour, including the basic EKS cluster cost. 

EKS with AWS Fargate 

For those using AWS Fargate, pricing is based on the vCPU and memory used. It starts when the container image is downloaded and ends when the EKS pod stops. The minimum bill time is one minute. 

EKS on AWS Outposts

Pricing for EKS on AWS Outposts mirrors that of the cloud: $0.10 per hour per cluster. But, this does not include the costs for Outpost capacity. Those costs are billed separately.

Tips And Strategies To Reduce AWS EKS Costs

AWS EKS provides a powerful platform for managing containerized applications, but optimizing costs can be challenging. Here are some practical tips to help you reduce your AWS EKS costs:

  • Right-size your EC2 instances. Use AWS tools like Amazon CloudWatch to monitor resource usage and identify overprovisioned instances. Downsizing to smaller instances can lead to significant cost savings.
  • Use spot instances for worker nodes. Spot instances can be much cheaper than on-demand instances but come with the risk of being terminated with short notice. Use them for non-critical workloads or set up a strategy to handle interruptions.
  • Implement auto-scaling. Configure auto-scaling for your EKS cluster to automatically adjust the number of worker nodes based on workload demand. This ensures you’re only paying for the resources you need.
  • Optimize pod scheduling. Use Kubernetes resource requests and limits to schedule pods on nodes efficiently. This prevents over-provisioning and reduces costs.

  • Use AWS Cost Explorer. Review your AWS Cost Explorer data regularly to understand your EKS spending patterns. Look for areas where costs can be reduced, such as unused resources or inefficient configurations.

  • Enable cluster and node auto-scaling. AWS EKS supports cluster and node auto-scaling, allowing your infrastructure to scale based on workload requirements. This can help you avoid over-provisioning and reduce costs.

  • Use AWS Spot Instances for worker nodes. AWS Spot Instances can offer significant cost savings compared to On-Demand Instances. However, they come with the risk of being interrupted. Use them for fault-tolerant workloads or combine them with On-Demand Instances for a more cost-effective solution.

  • Optimize networking costs. Optimizing your networking configuration can reduce unnecessary data transfer costs. Use features like VPC Peering and AWS Direct Connect to minimize data transfer over the Internet.

  • Monitor and optimize storage. Review your storage usage regularly and delete any unused or unnecessary data. Use lifecycle policies to automatically move data to lower-cost storage classes like Amazon S3 Glacier for long-term retention.

  • Use AWS Cost and Usage Reports. Enable AWS Cost and Usage Reports to get detailed insights into your EKS costs. Use this data to identify cost-saving opportunities and optimize your infrastructure.

Optimizing AWS EKS Costs With CloudZero


CloudZero helps organizations optimize their AWS EKS costs. It gives insights into AWS spending and suggests ways to reduce costs.

 CloudZero shows EKS costs in detail; by service, team, environment, and more. This granular view enables organizations to understand their spending and make informed decisions.

CloudZero also tracks the effectiveness of cost-saving ideas. This helps organizations determine whether their efforts are making a difference and adjust their strategies.

 With CloudZero, organizations can get the most out of AWS EKS and save money in the long run.

Want to see how to optimize your AWS EKS costs efficiently and effectively? !

AWS EKS Pricing FAQs

How is the pricing structured for AWS EKS clusters?

AWS EKS charges a flat hourly rate for each EKS cluster, which provides the Kubernetes control plane. This fee is separate from the costs of compute resources like EC2 instances.

Do I pay for EKS if I use AWS Fargate or AWS Outposts? 

Yes, you still incur the EKS cluster fee. However, AWS Fargate’s costs are calculated based on vCPU and memory resources. AWS Outposts follows the same pricing as in the AWS cloud.

Can I save on EKS costs by using AWS Spot Instances? 

Absolutely. Spot Instances can reduce your costs for stateless, intermittent, or flexible workloads by utilizing unused EC2 capacity.

Can I predict my AWS EKS spending? 

CloudZero provides predictive analytics to forecast your EKS spending. This helps budget accurately and avoid surprises.

What costs should I expect for data transfer within AWS EKS?

Data transfer costs vary, especially when data is transferred from AWS EKS to the Internet or across regions. Monitoring these as part of your overall cost management is essential.

Does CloudZero help with managing AWS EKS costs?

Yes. CloudZero offers detailed insights into EKS costs and helps teams optimize and control their cloud spend.

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